Your Rights and Our Obligations
The Carinthian government has installed an ombudsman office for patients. In case of any complaints concerning the treatment agreements with hospitals, please contact the patients' advocate:
Angelika Schiwek
Völkermarkter Ring 31, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
T: +43 (0) 463 572 30, F: +43 (0) 463 57230 57100
We would like to inform you shortly on your rights as a patient, as defined in the federal government law (Kärntner Krankenanstaltengesetz § 23 Ktn. KAG-Ordnung).
Your right to informed consent
You have the right to consent to any treatment, including surgical procedures. Only in case of an acute treatment (e.g. at the risk of one's life) your consent is not necessary.
Before consenting to any treatment you have the right to be informed about
- your health status
- the proposed medical procedures
- the potential risks
- possible alternatives
- (as the case may be) your expected costs
This applies also to minors.
You have the right to refuse the proposed treatment. Your doctor has to explain you carfully the implications of refusing such an intervention.
Your right to medical records
You have the right to be given a copy of your medical records; or this copy is provided to your doctor.
Your right to best treatment
Every doctor is obligated to treat you with the best medical methods and health care including the best possible pain treatment. If the appropriate treatment cannot be provided in the health care establishment, it needs to be assured that you are transfered to another adequate establishment on your agreement.
Your right to confidentiality
Information about your health status or other personal circumstances must be kept confidential. You have the right to choose who, if anyone, will be informed about your hospital stay. With your consent familiy members or your person of trust (e. g. your doctor) will be informed about your health status.
Your right to stay in contact with the outside world
During your hospital stay you may have visitors, call family members or receive or send post. Some certain constrictions with respect of your recovery progress and other patients need to be taken into account. Upon your request visits can be denied with the support of the hospital.
Your right to religious and spiritual care
You have the right to receive pastoral or psychological support. You have the right to die in dignity in company of your loving family or persons of trust.
Living will or advance directive
A living will is a written declaration of intent with which the patient specifies that in case of diseases or injuries that are fatal, the doctors are directed to abandon the use of life-sustaining measures but applicate all possible interventions for pain relief.
For more information on the living will, please contact the patients' advocate. If you have signed a living will, please inform your doctor.